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Rogozin IB

Author page

This page provides a summary of the entries in Polbase associated with this author.

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The polymerase chart indicates which polymerases this author has published on.

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Title Authors Year Journal
Mismatch repair-independent increase in spontaneous mutagenesis in yeast lacking non-essential subunits of DNA polymerase epsilon. Rogozin IB 2010 PLoS Genet
Evolution of DNA polymerases: an inactivated polymerase-exonuclease module in Pol epsilon and a chimeric origin of eukaryotic polymerases from two classes of archaeal ancestors. Rogozin IB 2009 Biol Direct
Low-fidelity DNA synthesis by the L979F mutator derivative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase zeta. Rogozin IB 2009 Nucleic acids research
X-ray structure of the complex of regulatory subunits of human DNA polymerase delta. Rogozin IB 2008 Cell Cycle
A highly conserved family of inactivated archaeal B family DNA polymerases. Rogozin IB 2008 Biol Direct
Low-fidelity DNA synthesis by human DNA polymerase theta. Rogozin IB 2008 Nucleic acids research
Roles of DNA polymerases in replication, repair, and recombination in eukaryotes. Rogozin IB 2006 Int Rev Cytol
DNA polymerase eta contributes to strand bias of mutations of A versus T in immunoglobulin genes. Rogozin IB 2005 J Immunol
129-derived strains of mice are deficient in DNA polymerase iota and have normal immunoglobulin hypermutation. Rogozin IB 2003 J Exp Med
Unique error signature of the four-subunit yeast DNA polymerase epsilon. Rogozin IB 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
Correlation of somatic hypermutation specificity and A-T base pair substitution errors by DNA polymerase eta during copying of a mouse immunoglobulin kappa light chain transgene. Rogozin IB 2002 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Somatic mutation hotspots correlate with DNA polymerase eta error spectrum. Rogozin IB 2001 Nat Immunol
Error rate and specificity of human and murine DNA polymerase eta. Rogozin IB 2001 Journal of molecular biology

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