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Alberts BM

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Title Authors Year Journal
Head-on collision between a DNA replication apparatus and RNA polymerase transcription complex. Alberts BM 1995 Science
The slow dissociation of the T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme when stalled by nucleotide omission. An indication of a highly processive enzyme. Alberts BM 1994 The Journal of biological chemistry
The rapid dissociation of the T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme when stopped by a DNA hairpin helix. A model for polymerase release following the termination of each Okazaki fragment. Alberts BM 1994 The Journal of biological chemistry
The DNA replication fork can pass RNA polymerase without displacing the nascent transcript. Alberts BM 1993 Nature
Amplification of snap-back DNA synthesis reactions by the uvsX recombinase of bacteriophage T4. Alberts BM 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
The T4 DNA polymerase accessory proteins form an ATP-dependent complex on a primer-template junction. Alberts BM 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA footprinting studies of the complex formed by the T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme at a primer-template junction. Alberts BM 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
The UvsY protein of bacteriophage T4 modulates recombination-dependent DNA synthesis in vitro. Alberts BM 1990 The Journal of biological chemistry
In vitro replication through nucleosomes without histone displacement. Alberts BM 1990 Nature
Effects of the bacteriophage T4 gene 41 and gene 32 proteins on RNA primer synthesis: coupling of leading- and lagging-strand DNA synthesis at a replication fork. Alberts BM 1990 Biochemistry
Sequence-specific pausing during in vitro DNA replication on double-stranded DNA templates. Alberts BM 1989 The Journal of biological chemistry
The bacteriophage T4 DNA replication fork. Only DNA helicase is required for leading strand DNA synthesis by the DNA polymerase holoenzyme. Alberts BM 1989 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA synthesis dependent on genetic recombination: characterization of a reaction catalyzed by purified bacteriophage T4 proteins. Alberts BM 1986 Cell
Studies of the DNA helicase-RNA primase unit from bacteriophage T4. A trinucleotide sequence on the DNA template starts RNA primer synthesis. Alberts BM 1986 The Journal of biological chemistry
A defective phage system reveals bacteriophage T4 replication origins that coincide with recombination hot spots. Alberts BM 1985 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Characterization of the stimulatory effect of T4 gene 45 protein and the gene 44/62 protein complex on DNA synthesis by T4 DNA polymerase. Alberts BM 1984 Journal of molecular biology
Purification and characterization of the bacteriophage T4 dda protein. A DNA helicase that associates with the viral helix-destabilizing protein. Alberts BM 1984 The Journal of biological chemistry
T4 DNA polymerase. Rates and processivity on single-stranded DNA templates. Alberts BM 1984 Journal of molecular biology
Affinity purification of bacteriophage T4 proteins essential for DNA replication and genetic recombination. Alberts BM 1983 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease of bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase is stimulated by other T4 DNA replication proteins. Alberts BM 1983 The Journal of biological chemistry
Properties of the T4 bacteriophage DNA replication apparatus: the T4 dda DNA helicase is required to pass a bound RNA polymerase molecule. Alberts BM 1983 Cell
Characterization of the DNA-dependent GTPase activity of T4 gene 41 protein, an essential component of the T4 bacteriophage DNA replication apparatus. Alberts BM 1981 The Journal of biological chemistry
Two types of replication proteins increase the rate at which T4 DNA polymerase traverses the helical regions in a single-stranded DNA template. Alberts BM 1981 The Journal of biological chemistry
Pentaribonucleotides of mixed sequence are synthesized and efficiently prime de novo DNA chain starts in the T4 bacteriophage DNA replication system. Alberts BM 1980 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Efficient in vitro replication of double-stranded DNA templates by a purified T4 bacteriophage replication system. Alberts BM 1980 The Journal of biological chemistry
Fidelity of DNA replication catalysed in vitro on a natural DNA template by the T4 bacteriophage multi-enzyme complex. Alberts BM 1980 Nature
Purification of gene 41 protein of bacteriophage T4. Alberts BM 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
An ATP stimulation of T4 DNA polymerase mediated via T4 gene 44/62 and 45 proteins. The requirement for ATP hydrolysis. Alberts BM 1978 The Journal of biological chemistry
Reconstruction of bacteriophage T4 DNA replication apparatus from purified components: rolling circle replication following de novo chain initiation on a single-stranded circular DNA template. Alberts BM 1975 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Stimulation of T4 bacteriophage DNA polymerase by the protein product of T4 gene 32. Alberts BM 1971 Journal of molecular biology
Function of gene 32-protein, a new protein essential for the genetic recombination and replication of T4 bacteriophage DNA. Alberts BM 1970 Federation proceedings
T4 bacteriophage gene 32: a structural protein in the replication and recombination of DNA. Alberts BM 1970 Nature
Studies with DNA-cellulose chromatography. I. DNA-binding proteins from Escherichia coli. Alberts BM 1968 Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology

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