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Dalal S

Author page

This page provides a summary of the entries in Polbase associated with this author.

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The polymerase chart indicates which polymerases this author has published on.

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Title Authors Year Journal
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies of DNA polymerase β: the critical role of fingers domain movements and a novel non-covalent step during nucleotide selection. Dalal S 2014 The Journal of biological chemistry
Structural changes in the hydrophobic hinge region adversely affect the activity and fidelity of the I260Q mutator of DNA polymerase ß Dalal S 2013 Biochemistry
Y265C DNA polymerase beta knockin mice survive past birth and accumulate base excision repair intermediate substrates. Dalal S 2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Substrate-Dependent Millisecond Domain Motions in DNA Polymerase β Dalal S 2012 Journal of molecular biology
DNA polymerase beta is critical for genomic stability of sperm cells. Dalal S 2011 DNA repair
Potentiation of temozolomide cytotoxicity by inhibition of DNA polymerase beta is accentuated by BRCA2 mutation. Dalal S 2010 Cancer research
The Leu22Pro tumor-associated variant of DNA polymerase beta is dRP lyase deficient. Dalal S 2008 Nucleic acids research
The I260Q variant of DNA polymerase beta extends mispaired primer termini due to its increased affinity for deoxynucleotide triphosphate substrates. Dalal S 2008 Biochemistry
The E295K DNA polymerase beta gastric cancer-associated variant interferes with base excision repair and induces cellular transformation. Dalal S 2007 Molecular and cellular biology
Expression of DNA polymerase {beta} cancer-associated variants in mouse cells results in cellular transformation. Dalal S 2005 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Prostate-cancer-associated I260M variant of DNA polymerase beta is a sequence-specific mutator. Dalal S 2005 Biochemistry
The hydrophobic hinge region of rat DNA polymerase beta is critical for substrate binding pocket geometry. Dalal S 2005 The Journal of biological chemistry
Hinge residue Ile260 of DNA polymerase beta is important for enzyme activity and fidelity. Dalal S 2005 Biochemistry
Is there a link between DNA polymerase beta and cancer? Dalal S 2004 Cell Cycle
The D246V mutant of DNA polymerase beta misincorporates nucleotides: evidence for a role for the flexible loop in DNA positioning within the active site. Dalal S 2004 The Journal of biological chemistry

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