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Korn D

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Title Authors Year Journal
Human DNA polymerase alpha gene expression is cell proliferation dependent and its primary structure is similar to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerases. Korn D 1988 The EMBO journal
The evolutionary conservation of DNA polymerase alpha. Korn D 1988 Nucleic acids research
Structural and enzymological characterization of immunoaffinity-purified DNA polymerase alpha.DNA primase complex from KB cells. Korn D 1986 The Journal of biological chemistry
Monoclonal antibodies against human DNA polymerase-alpha inhibit DNA replication in permeabilized human cells. Korn D 1985 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA primase from KB cells. Characterization of a primase activity tightly associated with immunoaffinity-purified DNA polymerase-alpha. Korn D 1984 The Journal of biological chemistry
Tight association of DNA primase with a subspecies of mouse DNA polymerase alpha. Korn D 1983 The Journal of biological chemistry
Preparation and preliminary characterization of monoclonal antibodies against human DNA polymerase alpha. Korn D 1982 The Journal of biological chemistry
Intracellular localization of human DNA polymerase alpha with monoclonal antibodies. Korn D 1982 The Journal of biological chemistry
Specificity of the catalytic interaction of human DNA polymerase beta with nucleic acid substrates. Korn D 1982 Biochemistry
DNA polymerase-alpha. Common polypeptide core structure of three enzyme forms from human KB cells. Korn D 1982 The Journal of biological chemistry
Properties of the primer-binding site and the role of magnesium ion in primer-template recognition by KB cell DNA polymerase alpha. Korn D 1981 Biochemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. Regulation of template binding by nucleic acid base composition. Korn D 1981 The Journal of biological chemistry
Ordered sequential mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by KB cell DNA polymerase alpha. Korn D 1981 Biochemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. III. The polymerization reaction with single-stranded DNA. Korn D 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. II. Specificity of the protein-nucleic acid interaction. Korn D 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymological characterization of DNA polymerase alpha. Basic catalytic properties processivity, and gap utilization of the homogeneous enzyme from human KB cells. Korn D 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
In vitro replication of mitochondrial DNA. Elongation of the endogenous primer sequence in D loop mitochondrial DNA by human DNA polymerase beta. Korn D 1977 The Journal of biological chemistry
Effect of calcium on the recovery and distribution of DNA polymerase alpha from cultured human cells. Korn D 1977 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase-alpha. Purification and structural characterization of the near homogeneous enzyme from human KB cells. Korn D 1977 The Journal of biological chemistry
Nomenclature of eukaryotic DNA polymerases. Korn D 1975 Science (New York, N.Y.)

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