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Fisher PA

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Title Authors Year Journal
Site-specific mutagenesis of Drosophila proliferating cell nuclear antigen enhances its effects on calf thymus DNA polymerase delta. Fisher PA 2004 BMC Biochem
A single amino acid change (E85K) in human PCNA that leads, relative to wild type, to enhanced DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase delta past nucleotide base lesions (TLS) as well as on unmodified templates. Fisher PA 2004 Biochemistry
Architecture of the active DNA polymerase delta.proliferating cell nuclear antigen.template-primer complex. Fisher PA 1999 The Journal of biological chemistry
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen promotes DNA synthesis past template lesions by mammalian DNA polymerase delta. Fisher PA 1997 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Human DNA polymerase epsilon: enzymologic mechanism and gap-filling synthesis. Fisher PA 1996 Biochemistry
The mammalian DNA polymerase delta--proliferating cell nuclear antigen--template-primer complex: molecular characterization by direct binding. Fisher PA 1996 Biochemistry
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen promotes misincorporation catalyzed by calf thymus DNA polymerase delta. Fisher PA 1996 The Journal of biological chemistry
Interaction of DNA polymerase delta, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and synthetic oligonucleotide template-primers. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-band mobility shift assay. Fisher PA 1993 The Journal of biological chemistry
Interaction of Drosophila DNA polymerase alpha holoenzyme with synthetic template-primers containing mismatched primer bases or propanodeoxyguanosine adducts at various positions in template and primer regions. Fisher PA 1992 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymologic mechanism of calf thymus DNA polymerase delta. Fisher PA 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
Recognition and binding of template-primers containing defined abasic sites by Drosophila DNA polymerase alpha holoenzyme. Fisher PA 1989 The Journal of biological chemistry
Structural and enzymological characterization of immunoaffinity-purified DNA polymerase alpha.DNA primase complex from KB cells. Fisher PA 1986 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase-alpha. Common polypeptide core structure of three enzyme forms from human KB cells. Fisher PA 1982 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. Regulation of template binding by nucleic acid base composition. Fisher PA 1981 The Journal of biological chemistry
Properties of the primer-binding site and the role of magnesium ion in primer-template recognition by KB cell DNA polymerase alpha. Fisher PA 1981 Biochemistry
Ordered sequential mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by KB cell DNA polymerase alpha. Fisher PA 1981 Biochemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. III. The polymerization reaction with single-stranded DNA. Fisher PA 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymological characterization of DNA polymerase alpha. Basic catalytic properties processivity, and gap utilization of the homogeneous enzyme from human KB cells. Fisher PA 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
Enzymological characterization of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha. II. Specificity of the protein-nucleic acid interaction. Fisher PA 1979 The Journal of biological chemistry
Effect of calcium on the recovery and distribution of DNA polymerase alpha from cultured human cells. Fisher PA 1977 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase-alpha. Purification and structural characterization of the near homogeneous enzyme from human KB cells. Fisher PA 1977 The Journal of biological chemistry

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