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Krutiakov VM

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Title Authors Year Journal
[3'-->5'-exonucleases of the rat liver and the correction of replication errors]. Krutiakov VM Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia
[Isolation and characteristics of endonuclease tightly bound to alpha-polymerase from the rat liver]. Krutiakov VM Molekuliarnaia biologiia
[Investigation of the interaction of repair DNA polymerase beta and autonomous 3' --> 5'-exonucleases TREX1 and TREX2]. Krutiakov VM 2010 Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol
[Ratio of 3' --> 5'-exonuclease and DNA-polymerase activities in normal and cancer cells of rodents and humans]. Krutiakov VM 2010 Tsitologiia
[Complex of repair DNA polymerase beta with autonomous 3'-->5'-exonuclease shows increased accuracy of DNA synthesis]. Krutiakov VM 2007 Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol
[The correcting role of autonomous 3'-->5' exonucleases in mammalian multienzyme DNA polymerase complexes]. Krutiakov VM 2002 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Corrective role of autonomous 3'--->5'-exonuclease in synthesis of DNA,catalyzed by DNA polymerase beta from rat liver]. Krutiakov VM 1999 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Logical regulation of DNA polymerase mutagenesis and autonomous 3'-5'-exonuclease]. Krutiakov VM 1998 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Isolation of protein phosphokinase from a complex form of DNA polymerase alpha from rat liver]. Krutiakov VM 1993 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Contribution of 3'---5'-exonuclease from rat liver nuclei in precision of DNA synthesis, catalyzed by mammalian DNA polymerase alpha]. Krutiakov VM 1993 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[The 3'----5'-exonucleases of rat liver enhance the fidelity of DNA synthesis catalyzed by mammalian DNA-polymerase alpha]. Krutiakov VM 1991 Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR
[Characteristics of DNA isolated from a complex form of DNA-polymerase alpha from the rat liver]. Krutiakov VM 1989 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Complex of DNA polymerase alpha with 3'----5'-exonuclease from the regenerating rat liver]. Krutiakov VM 1985 Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR
[Eukaryotic 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease correcting DNA-polymerase errors]. Krutiakov VM 1983 Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR
[Effect of the antitumor antibiotic bleomycin on DNA polymerase activity]. Krutiakov VM 1982 Biokhimiia

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