Stepdown hyperthermia in human melanoma cells: effects on protracted mild hyperthermia for survival and DNA polymerase inactivation.

Raaphorst GP, Yang DP, Ng CE
Melanoma Res (1995), Volume 5, Page 229
PubMed entry


Human melanoma cells have been used to evaluate whether stepdown ...
Human melanoma cells have been used to evaluate whether stepdown heating (SDH) could increase the effectiveness of long-duration mild hyperthermia (LDMH). The effects of these treatments were also evaluated on cell survival and DNA polymerase inactivation. Short treatments (30 min) at 43 degrees C did not result in much SDH effect for subsequent protracted heating at 40 degrees C. The effect on DNA polymerases was also very small. However, heating at 44 degrees C for 30 min had a large SDH heating effect on subsequent heating at 40 degrees C and 41 degrees C. The SDH effect occurred mainly in the first 5-10 h of subsequent LDMH and, at longer heating times, the rate of cell killing was reduced. The 44 degrees C SDH effect was also observed on DNA polymerase inactivation. Comparing the degree of cell killing and polymerase inactivation showed a good correlation for the various SDH protocols.




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