Ikegami S
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Changes in intracellular location of DNA polymerase-alpha during oocyte maturation of the toad, Bufo bufo japonicus. | Ikegami S | 1982 | Biochem Biophys Res Commun |
Effect of post-treatment with aphidicolin - a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha - on sister-chromatid exchanges induced by ethyl methanesulfonate. | Ikegami S | 1982 | Mutation research |
[Aphidicolin: a specific inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha (author's transl)]. | Ikegami S | 1980 | Seikagaku |
Aphidicolin resistant mutant of which DNA polymerase alpha is induced by this drug. | Ikegami S | 1979 | Biochem Biophys Res Commun |
The mode of inhibitory action by aphidicolin on eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha. | Ikegami S | 1979 | Eur J Biochem |
Aphidicolin prevents mitotic cell division by interfering with the activity of DNA polymerase-alpha. | Ikegami S | 1978 | Nature |
Aphidicolin: a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerases in the cytosol of rat liver. | Ikegami S | 1978 | Biochemical and biophysical research communications |