Meijer WJ
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Structure of the functional domain of phi29 replication organizer: insights into oligomerization and dna binding. | Meijer WJ | 2005 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Phi29 family of phages. | Meijer WJ | 2001 | Microbiol Mol Biol Rev |
Characterization of the bacteriophage phi29-encoded protein p16.7: a membrane protein involved in phage DNA replication. | Meijer WJ | 2001 | Molecular microbiology |
The putative coiled coil domain of the phi 29 terminal protein is a major determinant involved in recognition of the origin of replication. | Meijer WJ | 2000 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Phage phi29 terminal protein residues Asn80 and Tyr82 are recognition elements of the replication origins. | Meijer WJ | 1999 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
DNA polymerase template switching at specific sites on the phi29 genome causes the in vivo accumulation of subgenomic phi29 DNA molecules. | Meijer WJ | 1998 | Molecular microbiology |