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Frank EG

Author page

This page provides a summary of the entries in Polbase associated with this author.

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The polymerase chart indicates which polymerases this author has published on.

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Title Authors Year Journal
Increased catalytic activity and altered fidelity of human DNA polymerase iota in the presence of manganese. Frank EG 2007 The Journal of biological chemistry
Sequence context-dependent replication of DNA templates containing UV-induced lesions by human DNA polymerase iota. Frank EG 2003 DNA repair
129-derived strains of mice are deficient in DNA polymerase iota and have normal immunoglobulin hypermutation. Frank EG 2003 J Exp Med
Mammalian translesion DNA synthesis across an acrolein-derived deoxyguanosine adduct. Participation of DNA polymerase eta in error-prone synthesis in human cells. Frank EG 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
Translesion replication of benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[c]phenanthrene diol epoxide adducts of deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine by human DNA polymerase iota. Frank EG 2002 Nucleic acids research
5'-Deoxyribose phosphate lyase activity of human DNA polymerase iota in vitro. Frank EG 2001 Science
Altered nucleotide misinsertion fidelity associated with poliota-dependent replication at the end of a DNA template. Frank EG 2001 The EMBO journal
DNA polymerase iota and related rad30-like enzymes. Frank EG 2001 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
Biochemical characterization of human DNA polymerase iota provides clues to its biological function. Frank EG 2001 Biochem Soc Trans
Human DNA polymerase iota promiscuous mismatch extension. Frank EG 2001 The Journal of biological chemistry
Misinsertion and bypass of thymine-thymine dimers by human DNA polymerase iota. Frank EG 2000 The EMBO journal
Visualization of two binding sites for the Escherichia coli UmuD'(2)C complex (DNA pol V) on RecA-ssDNA filaments. Frank EG 2000 Journal of molecular biology
poliota, a remarkably error-prone human DNA polymerase. Frank EG 2000 Genes & development
UmuD'(2)C is an error-prone DNA polymerase, Escherichia coli pol V. Frank EG 1999 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Structure of the UmuD' protein and its regulation in response to DNA damage. Frank EG 1996 Nature
The UmuD' protein filament and its potential role in damage induced mutagenesis. Frank EG 1996 Structure (London, England : 1993)

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