Sato M
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Structural basis of recruitment of DNA polymerase ΞΆ by interaction between REV1 and REV7 proteins. | Sato M | 2012 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Crystal structure of human REV7 in complex with a human REV3 fragment and structural implication of the interaction between DNA polymerase zeta and REV1. | Sato M | 2010 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Structural basis for novel interactions between human translesion synthesis polymerases and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. | Sato M | 2009 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Initial crystallographic study of human PCNA in complex with a peptide containing the noncanonical PIP-box sequence of human DNA polymerase iota. | Sato M | 2008 | Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun |
Presence of DNA in rubella variant with DNA polymerase activity. | Sato M | 1979 | Arch Virol |
Reversible inhibition of the induction of DNA polymerase of herpes simplex virus type 2 in HeLa cells. | Sato M | 1978 | Arch Virol |