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Lebedeva NA

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Title Authors Year Journal
The mechanism of human tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 in the cleavage of AP site and its synthetic analogs. Lebedeva NA 2013 DNA repair
Human DNA polymerase λ catalyzes lesion bypass across benzo[a]pyrene-derived DNA adduct during base excision repair. Lebedeva NA 2012 DNA repair
AP-site cleavage activity of tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1. Lebedeva NA 2011 FEBS letters
DNA polymerases beta and lambda bypass thymine glycol in gapped DNA structures. Lebedeva NA 2010 Biochemistry
Interaction between DNA Polymerase lambda and RPA during translesion synthesis. Lebedeva NA 2008 Biochemistry (Mosc)
DNA polymerases beta and lambda as potential participants of TLS during genomic DNA replication on the lagging strand. Lebedeva NA 2008 Biochemistry. Biokhimii͡a
Human base excision repair enzymes apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease1 (APE1), DNA polymerase beta and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1: interplay between strand-displacement DNA synthesis and proofreading exonuclease activity. Lebedeva NA 2005 Nucleic acids research
Analysis of interactions of DNA polymerase beta and reverse transcriptases of human immunodeficiency and mouse leukemia viruses with dNTP analogs containing a modified sugar residue. Lebedeva NA 2005 Biochemistry. Biokhimii͡a
Comparison of functional properties of mammalian DNA polymerase lambda and DNA polymerase beta in reactions of DNA synthesis related to DNA repair. Lebedeva NA 2005 Biochimica et biophysica acta
[Photoreactive dTTP analogues as substrates for thermostable DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35]. Lebedeva NA 2004 Bioorg Khim
A new binary system for photosensitized labeling of DNA polymerases in nuclear extract. Lebedeva NA 2003 Biochemistry. Biokhimii͡a
Thermostable DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35: preparation and study of a modified form of the enzyme with high affinity to ddNTP. Lebedeva NA 2003 Biochemistry (Mosc)
Highly efficient labeling of DNA polymerases by a binary system of photoaffinity reagents. Lebedeva NA 2002 Biochemistry. Biokhimii͡a
Photoaffinity labeling of proteins in bovine testis nuclear extract. Lebedeva NA 2002 Biochemical and biophysical research communications
A binary system of photoreagents for high-efficiency labeling of DNA polymerases. Lebedeva NA 2001 Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Highly selective affinity labeling of DNA-polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35 by a binary system of photoreactive agents. Lebedeva NA 2000 Biochemistry (Mosc)
Thermostable DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35: cloning, sequence analysis, and gene expression. Lebedeva NA 1999 Biochemistry (Mosc)
Sensitized photomodification of mammalian DNA polymerase beta. A new approach for highly selective affinity labeling of polymerases. Lebedeva NA 1999 FEBS letters
Thermostable DNA-polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35: isolation and characterization of some properties. Lebedeva NA 1998 Biochemistry (Mosc)

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