Anarbaev RO
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
DNA polymerase beta reveals enhanced activity and processivity in reverse micelles. | Anarbaev RO | 2009 | Biophys Chem |
Thermostable DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B35: influence of divalent metal ions on the interaction with deoxynucleoside triphosphates. | Anarbaev RO | 2000 | Biochemistry (Mosc) |
[DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase: structure and function]. | Anarbaev RO | 1999 | Mol Biol (Mosk) |
Klenow fragment and DNA polymerase alpha-primase fromserva calf thymus in water-in-oil microemulsions. | Anarbaev RO | 1998 | Biochimica et biophysica acta |
Highly selective affinity labeling of DNA polymerase alpha-primase from human placenta by reactive analogs of ATP. | Anarbaev RO | 1995 | Biochimie |
[Study of the interaction of DNA primase from calf thymus and human placenta with oligonucleotides matrices of various length and structure]. | Anarbaev RO | 1993 | Biokhimii͡a (Moscow, Russia) |