Stefanick DF
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Preventing oxidation of cellular XRCC1 affects PARP-mediated DNA damage responses. | Stefanick DF | 2013 | DNA repair |
Hyperactivation of PARP Triggers Nonhomologous End-Joining in Repair-Deficient Mouse Fibroblasts. | Stefanick DF | 2012 | PloS one |
Base excision repair and design of small molecule inhibitors of human DNA polymerase beta. | Stefanick DF | 2010 | Cell Mol Life Sci |
XRCC1 and DNA polymerase beta in cellular protection against cytotoxic DNA single-strand breaks. | Stefanick DF | 2008 | Cell research |
Involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in regulating Chk1-dependent apoptotic cell death. | Stefanick DF | 2005 | DNA repair |
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity prevents signaling pathways for cell cycle arrest after DNA methylating agent exposure. | Stefanick DF | 2005 | The Journal of biological chemistry |