Agut H
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Genotypic characterization of herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase UL42 processivity factor. | Agut H | 2012 | Antiviral research |
Different mutations in the HHV-6 DNA polymerase gene accounting for resistance to foscarnet. | Agut H | 2007 | Antivir Ther |
Human herpesvirus 6 DNA polymerase: enzymatic parameters, sensitivity to ganciclovir and determination of the role of the A961V mutation in HHV-6 ganciclovir resistance. | Agut H | 2004 | Antiviral Res |
From RNA to quasispecies: a DNA polymerase with proofreading activity is highly recommended for accurate assessment of viral diversity. | Agut H | 2003 | J Virol Methods |
Efficacy and tolerability of stavudine plus lamivudine in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients with HIV-1 infection. | Agut H | 1998 | Ann Intern Med |