Nimura Y
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Arg660Ser mutation in Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I suppresses T-->C transitions: implication of wobble base pair formation at the nucleotide incorporation step. | Nimura Y | 2001 | Nucleic acids research |
DNA polymerases and Ki-67 nuclear antigen are induced in correlation with the resected mass of rat liver up to 90%. | Nimura Y | 2000 | Langenbeck's archives of surgery / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie |
Identification and characterization of human DNA polymerase beta 2, a DNA polymerase beta -related enzyme. | Nimura Y | 2000 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Lithocholic acid, a putative tumor promoter, inhibits mammalian DNA polymerase beta. | Nimura Y | 1998 | Jpn J Cancer Res |
Sulfated glycoglycerolipid from archaebacterium inhibits eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, beta and retroviral reverse transcriptase and affects methyl methanesulfonate cytotoxicity. | Nimura Y | 1998 | Int J Cancer |