Murakami-Nakai C
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Inhibitory effect of conjugated eicosapentaenoic acid on mammalian DNA polymerase and topoisomerase activities and human cancer cell proliferation. | Murakami-Nakai C | 2005 | Biochem Pharmacol |
Structural analysis of isosteviol and related compounds as DNA polymerase and DNA topoisomerase inhibitors. | Murakami-Nakai C | 2005 | Life Sci |
Effects of DNA polymerase inhibitory and antitumor activities of lipase-hydrolyzed glycolipid fractions from spinach. | Murakami-Nakai C | 2005 | J Nutr Biochem |
The effects of dehydroaltenusin, a novel mammalian DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor, on cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. | Murakami-Nakai C | 2004 | Biochimica et biophysica acta |