Filman DJ
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
The crystal structure of PF-8, the DNA polymerase accessory subunit from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. | Filman DJ | 2009 | J Virol |
The positively charged surface of herpes simplex virus UL42 mediates DNA binding. | Filman DJ | 2008 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
The human cytomegalovirus UL44 C clamp wraps around DNA. | Filman DJ | 2008 | Structure (London, England : 1993) |
Crystal structure of the cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase subunit UL44 in complex with the C terminus from the catalytic subunit. Differences in structure and function relative to unliganded UL44. | Filman DJ | 2006 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
The cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase subunit UL44 forms a C clamp-shaped dimer. | Filman DJ | 2004 | Molecular cell |
The crystal structure of an unusual processivity factor, herpes simplex virus UL42, bound to the C terminus of its cognate polymerase. | Filman DJ | 2000 | Molecular cell |