Ikeda K
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Dipeptide alcohol-based inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha. | Ikeda K | 2005 | Bioorg Med Chem |
Hydrocephalus, situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, and male infertility in DNA polymerase lambda-deficient mice: possible implication for the pathogenesis of immotile cilia syndrome. | Ikeda K | 2002 | Molecular and cellular biology |
Identification and characterization of human DNA polymerase beta 2, a DNA polymerase beta -related enzyme. | Ikeda K | 2000 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Application of N-terminally truncated DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus (delta Tth polymerase) to DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reactions: comparative study of delta Tth and wild-type Tth polymerases. | Ikeda K | 1996 | DNA Res |
A non-radioactive DNA sequencing method using biotinylated dideoxynucleoside triphosphates and delta Tth DNA polymerase. | Ikeda K | 1995 | DNA Res |