Hou L
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
A cluster of polypyrimidine tracts is involved in the transcription regulation of telomerase transcriptional elements-interacting factor. | Hou L | 2009 | Molecular and cellular biochemistry |
Specific up-regulation of DNA polymerase by human papillomavirus 16. | Hou L | 2008 | Chin Med Sci J |
Development of single-domain recombinant antibodies to reverse transcriptase domain of human hTERT. | Hou L | 2004 | Hybridoma and hybridomics |
Development of a monoclonal antibody for neutralization of human telomerase activity. | Hou L | 2002 | Hybridoma and hybridomics |
[Monoclonal antibodies against human telomerase reverse transcriptase: preparation, characterization, and application]. | Hou L | 2002 | Zhonghua bing li xue za zhi Chinese journal of pathology |
Monoclonal antibodies against human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT): preparation, characterization, and application. | Hou L | 2001 | Hybridoma |