Ouchida R
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Rapid cell division contributes to efficient induction of A/T mutations during Ig gene hypermutation. | Ouchida R | 2011 | Molecular immunology |
DNA polymerase eta is a limiting factor for A:T mutations in Ig genes and contributes to antibody affinity maturation. | Ouchida R | 2008 | Eur J Immunol |
Genetic analysis reveals an intrinsic property of the germinal center B cells to generate A:T mutations. | Ouchida R | 2008 | DNA repair |
Induction of a:T mutations is dependent on cellular environment but independent of mutation frequency and target gene location. | Ouchida R | 2008 | Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) |
DNA polymerases eta and theta function in the same genetic pathway to generate mutations at A/T during somatic hypermutation of Ig genes. | Ouchida R | 2007 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Role of DNA polymerase theta in tolerance of endogenous and exogenous DNA damage in mouse B cells. | Ouchida R | 2006 | Genes Cells |