Ohtsuka E
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Misreading of DNA templates containing 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine at the modified base and at adjacent residues. | Ohtsuka E | Nature | |
Effects of a high-affinity antibody fragment on DNA polymerase reactions near a (6-4) photoproduct site. | Ohtsuka E | 1999 | Photochem Photobiol |
Functional sites of human PCNA which interact with p21 (Cip1/Waf1), DNA polymerase delta and replication factor C. | Ohtsuka E | 1998 | Genes Cells |
Comparison of incorporation and extension of nucleotides in vitro opposite 8-hydroxyguanine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine) in hot spots of the c-Ha-ras gene. | Ohtsuka E | 1995 | Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann |
Cyclobutane thymine dimers in a ras proto-oncogene hot spot activate the gene by point mutation. | Ohtsuka E | 1993 | Nucleic acids research |
Cloning a defined region of DNA using a limited action of DNA polymerase: application to dissection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen gene. | Ohtsuka E | 1986 | Gene |