Zhao W
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Involvement of DNA polymerase β overexpression in the malignant transformation induced by benzo[a]pyrene. | Zhao W | 2013 | Toxicology |
DNA polymerase beta is involved in the protection against the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of cigarette smoke. | Zhao W | 2012 | Environmental toxicology and pharmacology |
Role of DNA polymerase beta in the genotoxicity of arsenic. | Zhao W | 2011 | Environmental and molecular mutagenesis |
Links between DNA polymerase beta expression and sensitivity to bleomycin. | Zhao W | 2011 | Toxicology |
[Exploration of relationship between the expression level of DNA polymerase beta and 60Co gamma-ray radiosensitivity]. | Zhao W | 2011 | Sichuan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition |