Van Houten B
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Mitochondrial toxicity in hearts of CD-1 mice following perinatal exposure to AZT, 3TC, or AZT/3TC in combination. | Van Houten B | Environmental and molecular mutagenesis | |
Single-nucleotide base excision repair DNA polymerase activity in C. elegans in the absence of DNA polymerase {beta} | Van Houten B | 2011 | Nucleic acids research |
Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with mutations in DNA polymerase gamma associated with progressive external ophthalmoplegia. | Van Houten B | 2006 | Hum Mol Genet |
Analyzing the handoff of DNA from UvrA to UvrB utilizing DNA-protein photoaffinity labeling. | Van Houten B | 2004 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Up-regulation of base excision repair correlates with enhanced protection against a DNA damaging agent in mouse cell lines. | Van Houten B | 1998 | Nucleic acids research |