Kuban W
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Removal of misincorporated ribonucleotides from prokaryotic genomes: an unexpected role for nucleotide excision repair. | Kuban W | 2013 | PLoS genetics |
Critical amino acids in Escherichia coli UmuC responsible for sugar discrimination and base-substitution fidelity. | Kuban W | 2012 | Nucleic acids research |
Escherichia coli UmuC active site mutants: Effects on translesion DNA synthesis, mutagenesis and cell survival. | Kuban W | 2012 | DNA repair |
Mechanisms Employed by Escherichia coli to Prevent Ribonucleotide Incorporation into Genomic DNA by Pol V. | Kuban W | 2012 | PLoS genetics |