Welcome to the Polymerase Page
This page presents all the information in Polbase for HIV RT G190Q.
Mutants:At the top of the page you'll find a map of all positions of known mutants. Text links to mutants and digestion products are listed in the Mutants section.
Structures/Sequence:If available, a representative structure is displayed at the upper right. All known structures are listed in the Structures section.
External links:Polbase polymerases are linked to UniProt and Genbank where possible. The UniProt search link directs you to a pre-constructed UniProt search containing relevant terms.
References:All references that refer to this Polymerase are listed with their topics and paper's title in the References table.
Results:All the results for this polymerase can be examined by following the "Results" link at the bottom of the page.
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Mutant of: HIV RT (G190Q)
Selected Properties for HIV RT G190Q: |
3'-5' exo activity | 5'-3' exo activity | Frameshift Rate | Substitution Rate | General Error Rate |
no data | no data | no data | no data | no data |
- References (2)
- Structures (0)
- Sequences (0)
- Mutants (0)...
- Formulations (0)
- Polymerase Lots (0)
- External links
Year | Authors | Title | Results by property |
2003 | Wei Huang, Andrea Gamarnik, Kay Limoli, Christos J Petropoulos, Jeannette M Whitcomb | Amino acid substitutions at position ... | |
1996 | Jörg-Peter Kleim, M Rösner, I Winkler, A Paessens, R Kirsch, Y Hsiou, Edward Arnold, G Riess | Selective pressure of a quinoxaline n... |
Protein information: search for HIV RT G190Q at UniProt
Sequence information: